Stop the tuning on Tanzil


Recently, I’ve been practising tuning on Tanzil data set using MOSES. My data set is from Ja-Id and vice versa. When I’m doing from Id-Ja, it takes a long time: more than 1 days! Actually, tuning process can be done in days. But, if you want to stop and see the weight between the Tuning process, you can use this command:

tail -n 2 run*.mert.log

This command give you an idea whether the weight is increasing or not


As you can see, the weight indeed increasing from 0.139401 (in run1.mert.log) to 0.145389(run11.mert.log).

If you want to stop and take the weight from these several tuning process, the command is:


And then, you can copy the best weight, from run11.mert.log, the command is:

cp run11.moses.ini moses.ini

And the last step are: insert the weight into configuration file

tools/scripts/reuse-weights.perl work/tuning/mert/moses.ini< work/model/moses.ini > work/tuning/moses-tuned.ini
tools/scripts/reuse-weights.perl work/tuning/mert/moses.ini < work<model/moses-bin.ini > work/tuning/moses-tuned-bin.ini


Source: 1.


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